Author Archives: Denny Daugherty

Gung Ho Bikes On The Rail Trail

I am a frequent visitor to York’s Heritage Rail Trail County Park, a 21 mile multi-use trail great for walking, running, biking, or horseback riding. Those familiar with the trail will remember the former Serenity Station  located in Seven Valleys, right around the half-way point on the trail. It was a great place to stop for a meal or to enjoy some ice cream while enjoying a nice ride. Sadly last year things didn’t look so good, shorter hours and a reduced menu consisting of mostly cold sandwiches. And there was the ominous “For Sale” sign which later turned into a “Public Sale” notice on the door. I still held out hope that some buyer would take it over and do something great with it.

Well, I have good news to share. While riding by the old Serenity Station, I saw a large banner for Gung Ho Bikes! According to The York Dispatch the grand opening was last Sunday. This isn’t just going to be a bike shop though. You’ll still be able to get Hershey’s Ice Cream, but even better they will be offering bike rentals! This should open up the trail for even more people to enjoy which is great. (Rentals start at $10/hour or $30/day) Plus, there will be a bike mechanic on duty on weekends, and spare parts should you get a flat while riding.

They were closed when I rode by since it was after 7, although next time I’m out on a Saturday I will have to stop in and check it out.

Gung Ho Bikes on the Trail

Gung Ho on the Trail opens in Seven Valleys via The York Dispatch