Author Archives: Denny Daugherty

GoDaddy and Alternate Payment Method

I’ve moved all my personal domains away from GoDaddy to awhile back, but I still manage a lot of domains through GoDaddy for work. I tend to use auto-renew so that I don’t have to worry about domains expiring (and we manage quite a few domains). Recently however, despite a domain being set to auto-renew, there was a billing snafu which led to a site being down for part of the day. Apparently, there were several old credit cards associated with the account, and an expired card was linked to this domain that was set to renew. So when the billing failed, GoDaddy put up a parked landing page.

Now, I understand GoDaddy has every right to put up a landing page, but from a customer service perspective this is a little ridiculous. Consider that we have spend thousands of dollars with GoDaddy, and they immediately took down one of our sites because an $8 charge failed. On top of this, it occurred on a Saturday, so my response time was more delayed than it would have been during the week.

Needless to say, I’ve cleaned out all the old expired cards from the GoDaddy account, but I was also informed about a useful feature to avoid such problems in the future. If you use GoDaddy, you should set up an alternate payment method. It will be used as a backup in case there is any problem with the primary card on file.

To setup the alternate payment method, login to your account, click “My Account”, then click “Payment Methods” and finally “Alternate Payment Method.”

Of course, I would recommend even more to transfer your domains away from GoDaddy. They’re advertising is ridiculous, and the checkout process extremely cumbersome. I have been very happy with

It Could Be Me

Spent part of the day helping to prepare and serve food for over 60 people at the York Rescue Mission with York Young Professionals. While dishing out some delicious Shepherd’s Pie, I was reminded of this simple thought that it could be me. I am truly blessed, and it wouldn’t take much to lose it all. It could be me on the other side of the serving line, but likewise part of the solution could be me, could be you.

The song paraphrases James 2:17 this way: ‎”Faith amounts to nothing when we just pray prayers but never move to care.” – James 2:17 (paraphrased). Love others as yourself. Go and do likewise!

I’m On A Boat Video – Bahamas Cruise 2010

It was September of 2010, and my parents, sister, and I were on our way to the Bahamas on a 3-day cruise. We had never been on a cruise before and were very excited. We never really took such vacations before, but this one just came together as if God had planned it for us. As it turns out, it was incredibly significant and perhaps the most memorable and fun times I’ve had, at least with my sister, Alicia. It became the last vacation the four of us would ever take as a family. But it was better than we could have ever imagined and left us with some incredible memories.

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I stumbled across this article last year and even included an excerpt in that year’s Christmas music program. It makes a great point and certainly takes on a new meaning this year. Wishing everyone a joyful and safe Christmas.