This coming Saturday, the Spring Garden Band which I’m a member of will be participating in the Articles of Confederation Day Celebration in York, PA. Here are the details:
Articles of Confederation Day Celebration
November 12, 2011
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Colonial Court House
York, PA
On November 15, 1777 the Second Continental Congress, while seated in York, adopted the Articles of Confederation, an epic document in American history, which served to unite the thirteen colonies into a unified confederation. This document matured as the forebear of the United States’ current Constitution.
In commemoration, the York County Heritage Trust will hold a day of activities at the Colonial Complex (157 W. Market St. York, PA) on November 12, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Event Schedule:
10:00 – 4:00 – Tours and 18th Century Games
Throughout the day, visitors can tour the first floors of the General Horatio Gates House, Golden Plough Tavern,
and the Colonial Court House, while partaking in interactive demonstrations of period children’s games.
10:00 – Performance by the Central York Middle School Fifes & Drums Corps
The corps is directed by current band director Rick Worley, and consists of students in grades 7 & 8. The unit exists
as one of the only fife and drum corps in America which is part of a public school music program. The Corps will
perform period 18th Century music typical to the fife and drum corps of Britain and the American colonies.
10:30 – Bake Oven Program General Horatio Gates House Summer Kitchen
See an authentically reproduced bake oven in use for the first time. Find out how colonials made bread and pies and
the challenges associated with 18th Century cooking. (The oven will be in operation throughout the day)
11:00-12:30 – Tours of the Colonial Court House with the York Town Crier
Join Tom Gibson, the “York County Heritage Trust Town Crier” for exhibit presentation and interpretation at the
Colonial Court House.
12:30-1:00 – The York Revolution’s Mascot Downtown On Site
Do not miss your chance to meet York’s favorite mascot Downtown as he pays a visit to one of York’s most
“Revolutionary” locations.
1:00 – Firing Demonstration by the York Revolution’s Cannonball Charlie
Cannonball Charlie will provide a public firing demonstration on the lawn of the Colonial Court House.
1:15- Performance by the Spring Garden Band of York
Enjoy a free concert by The Spring Garden Band of York, believed to be the fourth oldest continuously active band in the United States.
2:00 –The First American Republic: 1774-1789 (The First Fourteen American Presidents Before Washington)
Lecture by Thomas Patrick Chorlton
Join author and historian Thomas Patrick Chorlton will present a lecture based on his recent book The First
American Republic: 1774-1789 (The First Fourteen American Presidents Before Washington.) Chorlton will
chronicle the individual fourteen presidents of the Continental Congress providing insight into their backgrounds,
challenges faced in Congress, their successes, and ultimate legacy on the federal government. Chorlton uses
numerous diaries and journals, providing a unique understanding of the personal thoughts and feelings of each
president, offering a new perspective on the Articles era of the United States. Chorlton will conduct a book signing
beginning at 3:30 following the program. Books will also be available for purchase. Program to take place on the
first floor of the Colonial Court House.
2:45-3:15 – 5th Annual York County Heritage Trust and York Daily Record/Sunday News Articles of
Confederation Essay and Artwork Contest Awards Ceremony Light Refreshments to follow on the Second
Floor of the Colonial Court House
Event sponsored by: First Capital Credit Union, York Revolution, Stock and Leader Attorneys at Law, York Daily Record/Sunday News