Author Archives: Denny Daugherty

Not Just Another Scripture Reading

As I write this I am in nervously and excitedly preparing for worship this Sunday. I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share in scripture reading and in song. The readings include The Valley of Dry Bones from Ezekiel 37:1-14 and also the story of Lazarus’ resurrection from John 11:1-6, 17-45. Plus the special music will be “The Power Of The Cross” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend… all focusing on the hope that is found in Christ and looking forward to the realization of that hope which comes on Easter. I have been preparing for weeks, and on top of all this I am planning to do everything from memory. One might ask, why put all this time and effort into a scripture reading and special music, but I feel it is well justified.

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A Little Bit of Everything

One thing I’ve always had trouble with is focusing on just one thing: one major course of study, one profession, one thing to eat at a buffet. My RSS reader overflows daily with posts on topics ranging various topics, and I have stacks of books that I’ve bought but still have to read…all these on topics ranging from news & current events, business, theology, music & worship, and more.

For example, I’m currently exhibiting at the Mid-America Trucking Show for and The Truckers Helper. At the same time I registered for the Worship God Conference hosted by Sovereign Grace Ministries. In the past few months I’ve played symphony concerts and even attended one on the complete other end of the spectrum (my ears are still recovering from that one). I may be building a great new tool help Truckers one minute and building pages about championship tennis the next. In my day job I don’t have the luxury of occupying a single role because we’re a small company, but it can be nice to do something different from time to time.

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Hacking Your Schedule and Being On Time

All too often I find myself rushing to or from something, arriving just in time (which is actually late) or calling to say “I’m running about 10 minutes late”. It always bothers me to make that phone call because because I know what I am really saying is that I don’t value the other person’s time, and that a failure to plan on my part has unfairly caused an inconvenience on theirs. I value my time, I dislike it when other people waste mine, and it’s even worse when I’m the time-wasting culprit. Beyond that, the frantic state of mind distracts from the activity or person for which I made the trip in the first place.

Richard Swenson in his book, “Margin” writes that “Calendar congestion and time urgency have robbed us of the pleasure of anticipation … [and] the joy of reminiscing” (p. 127). This and similar thoughts have been on my mind since last summer when I first read them, and while I still have a way to go I want to share a brief success story that really surprised me today. Read on to learn about a very useful strategy that worked for me even in the midst of a rushed Saturday morning.

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Hello World!

So, I have been telling myself for years that I need to build a new website, but sadly I just never found the time. There have just been too many other priorities, but I’m finally taking the plunge. This site currently has no design or much content to speak of (and may not for awhile), but it is a start and can evolve over time.

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