Category Archives: Other

iPhone App Prototyping and Demos

Prototyping is an essential step in the development of any application. It provides a clear form of communication between stakeholders regarding what the final result should look like and how it should function, and this can be achieved early on in the project before any code is written. 37Signals advocates going really fidelity using a Sharpie, which I’ve used in addition to more specialized tools such as Lucidchart or Balsamiq Mockups.

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York Symphony Concert this Saturday at 8PM with guest soloist Zuill Bailey. Selections will include:

Wagner – Prelude to Die Meistersinger
Tchaikovsky – Rococo Variations
Massenet: Meditation from Thais
Brahms: Academic Festival Overture
Rossini: William Tell Overture

I’ll be the guy in the back holding a triangle. 🙂

Boat Launch #2

t’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s our very own home-made UFO!!

That’s … Unidentified FLOATING Object!

If you couldn’t make it to our last boat launch mark your calendars for this Sunday, September 18 starting at 2:00 1:00 PM. We will be launching the Alicia Marie for a second time out on the lake at the Pinchot Park Conewago Day Use Area. There will be cookies!

The story…

The Alicia Marie is a very special boat, which we completed and sail in memory of Alicia Daugherty whose idea it was to build the boat. It started with collecting plastic bottles. Any kind would do: milk bottles, juice bottles, soda bottles. Her and her best friend, Abby Householder collected the bottles and built the two pontoons out of 2x4s and chicken wire. They were able to successfully test one of the pontoons, however Alicia never got to see it completed.

Friends and family got together to finish the boat which led to a very successful boat launch August 21st at Pinchot Park. At least 60 people came out to see her boat sail, and it was an enormous success. We gave boat rides and had a wonderful picnic. We are planning another boat launch for those who couldn’t make it the last time, and you sure won’t want to miss it!

Read the York Daily Record Article:

Update: The time has been changed to 1:00 PM. 

Found Some Great New Choir Music!

I direct the chancel choir at Salem UCC in Dover, and I’m always looking for new music for them to sing. I found this video of the senior adult choir at Fort Smith’s First Baptist Church in Fort Smith, AR showing some very innovative choir anthems that should appeal to today’s generation!

Ok ok, before I get nasty phone calls please know this is a joke! The church put this video together to show at a youth event about talent, and it was meant to bridge generational divide and inject a little humor.

Alicia’s Boat in The News

Just a week after we officially launched The Alicia Marie in memory of my sister at Gifford Pinchot State Park, it turns out there was going to be a Boat Parade in York as part of the annual arts festival! We went to check it out, but the event was cancelled due to inclement weather. However, a reporter from the York Daily Record stopped by to get the story of this extra special boat.

Read the Full Article here.

We’re planning on entering the boat next year along with perhaps a few other events so stay tuned!