Sight reading a piece, colleague says “Switch parts w/ me” I oblige, and then turn the page… #doubletake
Sight reading a piece, colleague says “Switch parts w/…
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Sight reading a piece, colleague says “Switch parts w/ me” I oblige, and then turn the page… #doubletake
Check out what I’m playing in tonight’s @yorksymphonies concert. #ilycarts
Looking for something to do this Saturday evening in south-central PA? Come out to the York Symphonies Pops Concert, “Tribute to Gerswhin” with guest artist Kevin Cole conducted by Broadway music director Todd Ellison. Here is just a taste of what we will be performing.
Now THIS is how you do a viral video. Extreme Rube Goldberg machine video by Red Bull.
This Is The World’s Most Extreme Rube Goldberg Machine [VIDEO] via Mashable
Results from Saturday’s 6k race. Time: 27:48. 7:27 min/mile pace. Place overall: #21/188 (3rd in age group)
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